Saturday, August 18, 2012


This post is a farewell to a lot of things some good and some bad.  First of all, this is the last blog post I'll be making for several reasons.  This was originally intended to just be a summer project and I think it served its purpose; I feel like it helped me express some things that I needed to get off my chest and made me really think about my opinions.  Also, I know that I'm going to be plenty busy once I go back to school (TOMORROW, can you tell I'm excited?) and won't be able to devote time to this like I could over the summer.  So farewell to this blog and to anyone who read it (which was honestly probably only one person, you know who you are) thank you for caring enough to read my rambling thoughts and I hope you got something out of it in the end or at least understand me a little better!  Second, this post is a farewell to all the negative emotions and insecurities I brought home with me.  It's time to start a new year at school and that means a clean slate to me so I'm going to try desperately to remain the confident person I truly am and not let anyone or anything make me doubt myself.  Zen master and human rights activist Thich Nhat Hanh said "People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.  Out of fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar".  I'm saying, screw that! I'm done being comfortable with what I know, even if the unknown doesn't work out how I would like or with the people I would like it has to be better than not enjoying where I am now.  Rather than look at the giant question mark looming over my head this year as anxiety inducing I'm going to look at it as one great adventure, the Great Perhaps if you will!  This is also a farewell to my friends from home that I won't get to see for a while.  You have made my summer worthwhile and when I was at my lowest you reminded me that I'm surrounded by people who genuinely care about me and enjoy spending time with me.  Without all of you I would not be as happy or as sane as I am, not that it's saying much considering I'm pretty crazy... but so are all of you so it works!  This is a farewell to a job that slowly whittled away at my IQ all summer with the knowledge that next summer will be much more enriching I know it!  And last but not least, it's a farewell to any outdated inhibitions that stopped me from truly enjoying myself last year.  I'm saying goodbye to my teenage years very soon and I don't want to waste another year of my youth worrying about how it will affect me later on in life!  I've never cared very much about what others thought of me, but I care a lot about how I view myself and if I can't let loose a little bit I'm not going to like who I am in the future, bittnerness runs in the family and I don't want that!  Hopefully my cheerful energized outgoing personality can translate over to this new mindset and I won't stand in my own way anymore.  So that's about it, I'm all packed up and ready to get back to school and explore this new year and all it has to offer with friends from last year and new friends I have yet to make! 
Have a RUN-believable day and thanks for reading!
Song Suggestion: I'm So Excited by the Pointer Sisters (for obvious reasons!)

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