Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Sourest of Lemonade for the Sweetest of Reasons

I almost didn't post anything about this because it just felt too soon, but honestly this story needs to be shared.  My friend and I were bombarded by lemons from the universe this past week and if nothing else someone should get a good laugh out of this!  So here it goes, I'm going to list all of the weird/terrible things that happened to us in chronological order
1. I didn't get to listen to any Justin Bieber the entire road trip! (Just kidding... kind of)
2. My car completely broke down due to what I would later find out was a blown ACL (I may have misheard the mechanic) It was actually my PCM fuse if that means anything to you which it didn't to me!

(This is exactly what we looked like stranded at the rest stop, same poses and everything... Bahaha NOT!)
3. We missed the Ingrid Michaelson concert
4. The guy who towed us was pretty cute, unfortunately having to pay obscene amounts of money to get towed detracts from his cuteness just a little bit
5. The 24-hour shop was in fact not open 24-hours as the name would suggest (false advertising if I've ever seen it!)
6. We ended up spending the night with our friend's aunt and uncle who we had never met before aka the nicest people ever, but still what a weirdly coincidental situation!
7. We were propositioned to race on the highway from a man in a broken down black car in what will probably go down as one of the shadiest moments of my life (we totally won by the way)
8. 20 minutes away from our final destination 24 hours after we were meant to arrive a pick-up truck blows a red light going down a one-way street and almost crashes right into us
9. I drank a little too much lemonade and said some pretty counterproductive things that I regretted almost immediately and immensely (that's more of a personal issue though, can't reall blame it on the universe, that one was all me)
10. Painted a rock and transformed it into a kick-ass door stop! (This is just me blatantly bragging)
11. Spent the next night staring at a new ceiling (it was a nice change of pace, I was getting a little tired of mine) struggling with my own jealousy issues and my inability to act like a grown-up when the situation calls for it ( I really like blaming the universe for my own issues don't I?)
12. Spent a night in a park dressed like a hooker (probably not the last time I'll have to type that out... JOKE hopefully)
13. After spending an extra day with our friend to make up for lost time we we're making good time due to my superior driving skills when all of a sudden an entire highway was closed with actually zero warning leaving us stuck in bumper to bumper traffic
14. We moved 1 mile in an hour and a half... then proceeded, with some questionable driving on my part, to brave the back streets in order to get home before the apocalypse!
Eventually we did get home and are both keeping our fingers crossed that our luck turns around!  If this was some sort of retribution for what I wrote about karma before then consider me a reformist!
Now comes the sweet because even with all of this sour I can honestly say that I would go through all of it again just to get to visit our friend.  Seeing her was the sweetest reason I could've had for putting up with life's lemons and here I go adding some sticky sap to the equation!
My friends horoscope said that it doesn't matter what you're doing, it only matters who you're doing it with and this trip showed me the truth behind that statement.  No matter what I'm going through or how I feel I have been blessed to do it all with people that add a little sweetener to life's lemonade whether they're from home or from school and I can't thank them enough!  I hope that my sarcastic recall of our trip amused some of you!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song suggestion: Brand New Day by Tim Myers because this song is the only song positive enough to counteract the bad karma I've been soaking in this past week!  And the only song that accurately reflects my outlook going forward


  1. I love you. And this blog is epic enough for me to outwardly say that (albeit via the Internet, don't ask too much of me!) because of that picture. Oh my god. Just...oh. my. god. I could die laughing.

  2. I love you too, don't be ashamed of it! We were the opposite of that picture plus about ten times the awkwardness added... still hot!

  3. We need to hahahaha oh my god I can't even type this without laughing...oh my god so we need to make that film and it needs to be SO FREAKING AWKWARD. lol i'm just dying right now because of how funny this is to me....just the idea of what we looked like...
