Thursday, June 28, 2012


Can I first just say that I love playing that word association game with people where they have to say the first thing that comes to mind when you say a word.  But that's not what this post is about.  This post is about how absolutley incredible it is that our mind automatically associates certain things with sounds, smells, tastes, touches, any sense you name it we associate things with it!  Sometimes I hear a song and I'm suddenly itching to go running, or start crying, or think about that time on my Senior Trip... nevermind about that, but it transports us to that time, just for a moment, and we can easily recall the most minute details.  A bunch of stuff does that for me, movies will remind me of a particular person I saw them with, food especially can make me recall memories I had put to the back of my mind.  I'm always fascinated by how startlingly easy it is to recall this stuff with a simple whiff or glimpse of something.  Maybe it's just the way our brains are hard-wired to code information, we are inclined to synthesize information to relate to something we previously learned so I guess it makes a lot of sense, but still it's crazy how we can associate seemingly random memories together!  Sometimes I don't even get a full memory or anything like that, it's just a feeling that I can't shake.  Regardless, I love the random spurts of association I have throughout the day, they make me feel more connected to people I'm missing or haven't seen in a while as well as my own life and the events happening in it.  Completely unrelated, but today someone got marshmallow fluff in my hair at work and two people in particular know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that there are two things I absolutely cannot stand: sweat and getting sticky things like marshmallow in my hair!  Running today was an exersize in endurance both physically and mentally because all I wanted to do was shower away the sweat and the marshmallow; I guess if anything I learned that a little marshmallow in your hair never killed anyone so deal with it kid!  I just realized that I use that phrase a lot, "it never killed anyone" and I figure it just means that I like to think if it can't kill me then why not which isn't a super cautious way to approach things, but being cautious is so overrated anyways.  Sorry that this got super rambly (pretty sure that's not a word) my mind was just all over the place on my run today.
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: For You by WolfRider (Any song that has whistling in it is ok in my book!)

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