Saturday, June 30, 2012


If you haven't read anything by Malcolm Gladwell make this book your first, and then follow it with The Tipping Point.  I'm about to straight up recommend this book like it's my job because I think I'm in love! The sociologist/part that's fascinated by human behavior in me was practically salivating at just the description alone, and now that I'm done with it I can honestly say that the insights and anecdotal evidence from this book are truly stupendous.  It's all about how sometimes we can just know things intrinsically without being able to explain why and how these snap judgments, though made on an unconscious level, can be easily swayed by too much information.  Things like how a college students best friends will do worse on a personality test than complete strangers who only got to spend ten minutes in their dorm room before taking the test!  He talks about stuff like thin-slicing which is what he describes as the unconscious process we go through everytime we meet a new person or have to evaluate a situation quickly.  Ever wonder why it is that we can just tell when we won't get along with someone or if we should trust them or not?  Well, apparently our subconcious is making these judgments based upon cues we couldn't describe if asked long before we even realize it!  I could go on and on about the examples from this book, but I won't spoil it for anyone who now plans on reading it, which I highly suggest if you haven't picked that up by now... On an unrelated note, I went to a concert put on by the Woodland Foundation which is a camp for kids and adults with mental and physical disabilities which I found out about through one of my best friends who works there and let me tell you, not only could some of them play the violin way better than I ever could, but I thought everyone involved was really courageous for doing something I know I couldn't do.  It was incredibly inspiring and humbling which was an excellent reminder to me that no matter how much of a bummer things are sometimes perspective is key and life is about finding that perspective and using it to your advantage.  So if my friend is reading this I have to say I'm blown away by what you're doing and incredibly proud of you!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: You, Me, and the Bourgeoisie by the Submarines
Post-Script (Because I hate writing P.S. like this is some middle-school love note): Sorry about the lack of pictures, my computer and Blogger have been at odds with each other lately and until they make-up I'm afraid my posts will continue to be drab and colorless; curse you technology!

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