Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking

"You don't have the luxury of negative thought".  I never considered negativity a luxury before, but after reading Christina Applegate's section of Katie Couric's book The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons from Extraordinary Lives where she really does not have the luxury of thinking negatively in her life it kind of makes sense.  Here's a woman who has battled her way through physical trauma, both visible and not, throughout her whole career and she attributes a lot of her recovery to positive thinking.  In fact to quote her directly "this shit works!"  I started reading Katie Couric's book because I'm fascinated by quotes and my book of quotes was looking a bit thin so where else to turn but a book that claims to hold the BEST advice?  Oddly enough and completely unrelated one of the sections has someone stating that you really shouldn't take other people's advice... contradictory much.  Anyways, this book is full of great anecdotes and life lessons if anyone's interested, but mainly this passage got me thinking about the power of positive thinking.  Christina Applegate claims it helped her heal a broken bone faster than doctors thought possible and while I don't have any evidence quite as convincing as that to share I agree that positive thinking can go a long way.  I tried it out on my run today and the results were pleasantly affirmative.  Every time I started to feel like I was slowing down and started thinking negatively about myself and running I made myself smile.  I also made myself think about the outcome I wanted from this run and what I had to look forward to afterwards which seemed to make things more than bearable.  In turn I ended up running longer than expected and forming some very strong thoughts about positivity.  Negativity is a luxury because when it comes down to it if we're able to have negative thoughts that means that we have something good in our lives to lose.  People who actually have cause to be negative don't waste time on those thoughts, they have real problems to deal with whereas those of us with a lot of positives in our lives take these negative thoughts for granted because that's all they are, just thoughts.  I'm lucky to have this luxury and it's about time that I stop taking it so much for granted.  Mission: PositiveThinking is underway... dun dun. dun dun. dun dun. dun dun. dadada. dadada... that's the mission impossible theme song by the way (nerd alert!) Basically, in my everyday dealings I'm going to try and think of the positives above all else and keep a smile on my face while I do it.  Also because I've never known anyone to look good while they're scowling which I'm doubly sure applies to me as well!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion:  Light Falsetto Music - The Hood Internet