Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Words are a glorious thing.  They are truly our only inexhaustible resource and in a world where resources are scarce to come by this is a valuable quality.  They can convey so much without changing at all and it baffles me how much meaning we can put behind even four letter when combined the right way!  I know that I don't have a passion for languages, I'll never have the desire to speak fluent german (even though some of the words are just plain hilarious to say) but I am passionate about the english language.  It's not just speaking it, though I do love to talk, it's the power behind something that without all else wouldn't exist.  Side-note: Do you ever have conversations with people in your head before approaching them, but by the time you actually have the conversation you're so exhausted from the one in your head that it doesn't turn out at all like you planned, happens to me all the time!  But I digress, words are everything, think about it, they can be an escape or a wake-up call, a comfort or a cruelty, a contradiction or a harmony, they're just strikingly vast that I can't wrap my head around it!  I had a teacher in High School who once said that she hates it when people say things like words are failing them or there aren't proper words to describe something because it's not that the words don't exist, it's that we aren't putting forth the effort to find the right ones.  I completely agree and I think sometimes it's easy to fall back on old standards or what's expected rather than taking the time to figure out what exactly it is we want to say.  "Words, when well chosen, have so great a force in them, that a description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves." Joseph Addison knew what he was saying and from now on I'm going to be less careless about my choice of words and less cautious about saying them!
Have a RUN-believable day!


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