Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Tomorrow I'll write more I promise, but today it's going to be short, simple, and too the point!  Everything is going to be okay!  Oprah tells us to think of three positive things in our lives every morning to start our day off right and while Oprah has to have reached some sort of God-complex by now the thought isn't a bad one.  Today I had the strangest feeling that my life is really good and it just kept getting stronger.  Strange not because I haven't had a good life before this, but strange becasue lately everything just feels like an uphill battle for me.  Anything from family issues to personal issues has been on my back and being optimistic was a goal I had to set for myself, but today I woke up optimistic and didn't have to try to maintian it at all.  Progress! My life is really good, I have hilarious and incredible friends who go out of their way to visit me at work all the time, grandparents who continue to amaze me, a dog who still loves me even though I smother her to death, and a lot to look forward to.  I read that Type-A personalities are always thinking about what's next while they're doing what they have to do now which makes it extremely difficult to give either the attention it deserves.  Sometimes we have to stop everything and be decisive about what the present should be because who knows if tomorrow will be as good as today; for today getting a visit at work before going to play some sand volleyball, which is a crime against humanity that they let me play volleyball because I am far too clumsy for that sport, and eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon is more than enough to make me happy.  If anyone reads this, feel free to comment below with whatever made you happy today, anonymously or not! 
Have a RUN-believable day!
She seriously needs to just go buy her own island and start a cult or something before she takes over the entire world!
Song Suggestion: Breeze Blocks by Alt J

1 comment:

  1. YOU, for spreading your optimism and helping me not freak out!
