Sunday, July 1, 2012


I totally wanted this post's title to start with "C" because then the last three would be a,b,c which I think would be awesomesauce, but unfortunately it does not.  However, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to write about something that truly resonated with me, the animated movie Brave.  I know, I know how old am I to be watching animated movies, but first of all Pixar knows their stuff and I read that they spent two years on the animation for the main characters hair because they animated every single strand (and it looked like it too!) so anyone that puts that kind of time and dedication into their product is a-okay in my book.  Second of all, we're never too old for a classic Disney lesson!  Only this time, the feminist in me was overjoyed to discover that the whole "Damsel-in-distress" act they've perfected so well over the years was missing from this film.  In place of stereotypical gender roles were some pretty fantastic scottish accents.  Not only did I think the message Disney was sending through Merida (I have no idea if that's how you spell her name, what can I say I don't have a drop of scottish in me) was apropos (and about damn time), but it was done in a way that didn't belittle any of the characters.  On top of that, the whole "my mother doesn't understand who I am and expects certain things from me that I don't want for myself" spiel is something I can definitely relate to!  Ya know, besides (spoiler alert!) the turning my mom into a bear part, I can't really relate to that as much.  So I got the repressive mother/only daughter issues without the magic or the really cool hair (I'm super jealous of her hair if you can't tell).  But anyways, the point is that I think Disney is moving in a positive direction with this movie and hopefully my feminist side (which really takes up a majority of my body mass) will have further cause to celebrate in the future!  And that even a college student who lives in modern day America can relate to and possibly gain something from a Pixar film about a scottish girl in line for marriage. 
It just goes to show how universal humanity truly is and yes I've mentioned this multiple times it's kind of a theme... Completely beside the point, I also discovered today that no matter what you do or how much peanut butter you smother it with, a banana is and always will be a banana.  They're gross and I wish that they didn't offer us essential nutrients, but alas they do so occasionally I force myself to eat one... one of these days I'll figure out a way to hide the banana for good!  And now for my rant: I'm headed over to a friends in a little while to watch the next Food Network Star and after last week when I lost my favorite contestant and went into mourning I don't know if my heart can handle another episode so a warning to Food Network - You better not mess with me again or I will go all sorts of crazy up in here!  That's all!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: I couldn't pick between Mine Is Yours by Cold War Kids and Electric Feel by MGMT today so listen to both!

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