Monday, July 16, 2012


It's been a while since I updated and that's mainly due to the fact that I didn't really think people needed to read all about my tragically boring thoughts centered around the only thing I've been doing lately which is work.  In order to not become comatose of boredom I've been working extra hard to stay busy in the few hours outside of work I have so I haven't had a chance to post, but that changes right now!  I read something the other day that got me thinking... why do we think in absolutes?  I tried really hard to come up with something that actually is absolute to its core and I can't come up with anything!  In particular, we think about people and their personality's in absolutes.  Truthfully, people are situational beings and therefore we can't say that someone is absolutely outgoing or absolutely introspective because we may only see them in a situation that brings that out in them.  Watching someone you know interact in different settings with a variety of people is enlightening to say the least!  I think we all have different sides and characteristics that present themselves in the opportune moment.  And I think that different people bring out parts of ourselves we may not even be aware of.  Take for instance the family dynamic; studies show that in a family with two siblings the older sibling is more domineering with their sibling and responsible around their parents while the younger sibling is more submissive, but prone to rebel around their parents.  However, the same studies show that those two siblings don't act that way outside of the family dynamic.  Basically, family sucks!  Just kidding (kind of) but in all honesty I bet everyone has different groups of people that they interact with in a certain way or portray themselves differently to fit the needs of the situation.  I'm not suggesting anything crazy like multiple personality disorder (though that diagnosis is incredibly fascinating and one day I'm going to find out if the separate personalities know about each other because if they do then what a conflict of interest!) all I'm saying is that you're not going to make a "That's what she said" joke in front of your grandma, unless of course your grandma acts like your best friend or is one of your best friends in which case I'm sorry to inform you that you're in good company and probably need to meet some more people too..., and you're not going to talk to your sibling the way you interact with your boss.  Nothing about our personalities is absolute and that's a check in the win column for human beings everywhere because we don't have to pick and choose who we are, we can have it all!  It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of characteristics table for one please!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: Anna Sun by Walk The Moon

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