Monday, July 9, 2012

Being Considerate 101

I've only recently begun to notice how important certain gestures are and how I take them granted often.  In the realm of human interaction, is it so much to ask that people be considerate?  I'm honestly not asking for much, but what I am asking for is the little things, the "minute particulars" if you will (if you know what this is from then you're probably reading this blog regularly which baffles me, but thanks!), that build a genuine connection between two people.  For instance, eye contact is not something that should be taken lightly folks!  Often times at work people will barely divert enough attention away from their phone or another conversation to pay let alone look me in the eyes while they do it.  Eyes tell us far too much to not be shared honestly.  And I find that not just making eye contact, but holding it, while talking to people typically makes them uncomfortable.  Maybe I'm just weird in that way, but when someone's talking to me or I'm talking to them I give them my full attention and they should know it because they can see it.  I'm not saying have a staring contest with every person you talk to, though that could be fun, but I've noticed that sometimes there's a disconnect between what your mouth is saying and what your eyes mean when you say it that is just another dimension to the complicated machine that is the human form.  This totally just reminded me of an episode of Modern Family where Phil goes on and on about how he may be saying yes, but his eyes are saying no way jose (It's a lot better in the episode just watch it).  Anyways, another thing is making pleasantries with people.  I discussed this once with people back at school, but in the Midwest you say hi to complete strangers you pass on the sidewalk and they respond in kind.  That's just how it works. I once had someone who was driving past me as I walked home from school slow down, roll down the window, and say hello!  Where I live now, this isn't as likely to happen and when I say have a nice day to someone the least I expect is a "you too".  When I run past a lady walking her dog and wave from across the street is she going to break something waving back?  Not unless she has brittle bone disease in which case why is she walking her dog? My apologies to anyone reading this with brittle bone disease, I'm sure you would at least say hello!  Basically, there are so many people out there that are truly nice people who do these things without even realizing it and to those people I say thank you for being considerate and reveling in the knowledge that we're all people just trying to enjoy our lives.  To the people that are too busy or too good to wave hello or make eye contact when having a conversation, there are too many truly nice people in the world for it to be a difficult task to accomplish so next time someone waves to you and nearly runs into a stop sign doing so(true story) wave back!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: Spin by Cassette Kids

1 comment:

  1. I bet you thought I was a freak before I made friends with you guys!
