Saturday, July 7, 2012


I could rant for pages right now about how people can make so many excuses for themselves all the time without ever taking any of the responsibility, but I won't do that because I really don't feel like being negative right now.  Instead, my anger got me thinking about how easy it is to make excuses which is probably why we all do it!  I also realized that angry running is probably the best, even better than "I'm way too overwhelmed to do anything except burn off energy" running which is saying a lot!  I make excuses for little things all the time, but I'm pretty conscientious about not making excuses for the things that matter.  Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of times where I want to, badly, but if nothing else I've learned from other people in my life that excuses are both easy to make and easy to see through.  To me an excuse is like the most basic form of lying and as such it's rarely thought out or backed up by anything.  As a future lawyer, fingers crossed, it's difficult to not poke holes in people's excuses all the time and just let them have their momentary relief because I have to accept that eventually the truth will win out.  And I don't mean in a "You can't handle the truth" kind of way (If you don't get this reference I strongly suggest you watch A Few Good Men) but in a "I've wasted all my credibility and no one believes my B.S. anymore" kind of way.  I firmly believe humanity hasn't been suckered too far into their Ipads and Iphones that they can't still spot when someone's trying to put something past them.  Isn't that Disney's saving grace, that the good guy always wins in the end.  So an excuse may be the easiest thing at the time and it may make you or someone else feel good through some sort of instant gratification, but in the end it's going to fall apart on you.  Plus, at least for myself, I've discovered that if I have to make an excuse about something I'm either not being fully honest with myself or I'm doing something I really shouldn't be... the latter usually involves eating copious amounts of junk food that I shouldn't!  Seriously, it's like the five stages of grief when that happens except I find myself stuck in the bargaining stage!  Regardless, excuses are a terrible excuse for a solution (see what I did there) and we're all better off being upfront about things with others and ourselves from the start!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray (The remix version is great running music!) 

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