Monday, May 21, 2012


No I don't mean from a book, I mean that upstanding, moral center everyone seems to rely on when we describe what can't be put into any other words about the people we spend time with.  I find it very difficult to describe specific aspects of people's personalities or attributes they hold that make me trust them or want to befriend them.  I think it really all boils down to a person's character.  Call me old-fashioned, but I'm a firm believer in this notion that we all have this center driven by a multitude of things.  The whole nature vs. nurture argument could be called into play here, but as far as I can tell it's neither one nor the other.  A combination of our innate nature and the way we are raised/our environment makes the most sense so I really don't get why people are so bent out of shape about it?  In the end, the one thing they all seem to agree on is that something is cultivated in us that represents a character we portray for others to pick up on.  The real question on my mind is whether character is something that can change over time or if we reach a point where we've come upon this realization of what is part of our very being and we won't compromise on these morals?  I'm leaning toward the latter because the more I think about it the more I realize that for as much as I've changed over the past year when it comes down to it there are a lot of fundamental parts of myself, my character, that have been steadfast to my benefit.  I believe that if we can truly embrace our own character it will make us a better judge of character in others.  Not all of my friends are alike in their beliefs or personalities, but I know that I can relate to all of them deep down and that's what made me gravitate to them in the first place.  As long as character is still considered a viable resource I'm not worried about my future or my friendships.  I wonder who came up with "character" in the first place... unlike Sir Isaac Newton who came up with the most worthless topic known to mankind, calculus, I'd actually like to shake this person's hand.  Not like in that Arby's commercial though because that just freaks me out in a major way, it's just a hand stretching out of your take-out bag (Seriously get in line Arby's, Wendy's already has that market cornered with the finger in the chili)!  On that note...
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: Sleepyhead (Chrome Canyon Remix) - Passion Pit
By the way, when I typed character into google this classy chap showed up... what a statue

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