Wednesday, May 9, 2012


This post is brought to you today by Rihanna and Triscuits: Weave Some Wonder!  Cake. cake. cake. cake. I don't know if you've heard the new song by Rihanna featuring Chris Brown called Birthday Cake, but that's basically how it goes.  It came up on shuffle today while I was running and let me tell you, listening to a song that repeats cake over and over again while you're trying to forget about the piece of cake that's making you run right now... yeah not fun (also I just really wanted cake).  This song did serve some purpose though because as little as I care about celebrity gossip, and I care about celebrity gossip as much as the President of the United States cares about this blog so not at all, I am aware of the fact that Rihanna has for some reason that far exceeds my comprehension decided to re-enter a relationship with Chris Brown... allow me to quote Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers for a second and just say REALLY.  But they're not the focus of this post, they're just the catalyst for what I couldn't help but analyze for the rest of my run which was our amazing ability to forgive.  Not forgive and forget, personally I think that's a whole sandwich of bologne and cheese because honestly we don't forget and why should we, if we all started forgetting our own mistakes or those of others I think every history teacher ever would experience heart palpitations!  We're allowed to make mistakes and have regrets, I even saw a TED talk once that said regrets are healthy, it's what we do after that I'm focusing on today.  Forgiving someone can be sooo hard.  When someone's hurt you we all enjoy a little groveling on their part am I right... it shows us that we mean enough to them to try and make amends.  Forgiveness is our way of showing them that they matter more to us than their actions.  I've recently experienced something that made me completely reevaluate how I see forgiveness.  I would always hear these stories about how a wife would take her cheating husband back and I couldn't help but be utterly perplexed by this decision.  After meeting someone that I've found it is literally impossible to be upset with and I kinda get it... no matter what they did or how they upset me it didn't matter to me.  All I know is that if I were to withold my forgiveness then I would be the only thing standing between me and that person which just seems silly to me.  What are my feelings compared to our friendship?  At the time I felt like I was selling myself short and I would be more upset with myself as a result, how little self-respect does someone have to have in order to just forgive someone like that?  Boy was I wrong, it takes a lot more strength to value someone more than you value the past.  Yet I've learned time and time again that you can't live in the past, so if that's where you're focusing all of your energy then you're really not living and it's probably pretty lonely.  I'm not attempting to pass judgement on anyone in this post and I hope it doesn't come across as sanctimonious or any other pretentious adjective that I can't stand.  All I know is that my life can only be improved by adding a little more forgiveness to it.  Hopefully anyone reading this will choose forgiveness over condemnation, life is already too bittersweet at times why bypass an apple to take a bite out of a lemon.  Overall, forgiveness just tastes better... kind of like cake!
Remember to have a RUN-believable day!
Song suggestion: Take a walk by Passion Pit 
I picked the healthiest cake I know to tempt you all with... I think it backfired on me though!

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