Friday, May 11, 2012


So there I am minding my own business diligently working, okay fine not so diligently working, when a massive crowd of small children comes in for a birthday party.  I don't know if you remember your birthday parties as a child at Chuck E. Cheese or McDonald's, but your parents seem to think that everyone and their brother is your friend when you're younger so there's more people there than you can even count to at that age.  Anyways, I'm standing there behind the counter listening to the screaming as I watch my hard work tarnished by sticky hands and an enthusiastic game of tag when I think to myself 'what did I do to deserve this?'  I got home and immediately set off on a run because I couldn't stop contemplating this notion of karma.  Karma holds a lot of religious significance, but I'm less interested in that component and more interested in the cyclical fashion of punishment and retribution.  My mom always says that it's karma at work when she watches my Uncle, who was a glutton for mischief as a child, try to wrangle his three extremely energetic sons.  He thinks it's karma that she got me... he's a joker that one.  The way I see karma is rather childish actually, but I always picture it as a sort of video game like Mario Kart.  You go around the track and try to collect as many of those coins as possible, sometimes you get a boost or you get to shoot someone with a lightning bolt, but eventually you'll get so excited watching how far ahead of everyone else you are that you'll fall into the lake.  Also, no matter how fast you go or how many coins you collect you're still going around and around on the same track.  Now I don't play video games all that often seeing as I'm the kind of person who has no hand-eye coordination and seems to think that if I tilt my entire body to the right then my avatar will move over more, but this analogy is more apt than anything else I could come up with while I was running so I'm sticking with it!  I don't know if karma works that way exactly and it's highly improbable that the universe is keeping track of how many karma points I have at the moment, but I must have been pretty low today to have been ambushed like that.  Either way, I like thinking that when I let someone into my lane because they didn't realize that their lane ends in 100 ft that I'm adding to some invisible score of mine.  I also like the fact that you only get bad karma if you do bad things, pretty sensical right, so there's no reason for any of us to add bad karma to our lives.  It's almost as if karma is setting us up to do better every day because bad karma just sounds ominous!  Regardless of how you view karma or even if you don't believe in all that tomfoolery being nice hasn't killed anyone to this date as far as I'm aware, but carbs have which is just strange since they're so good... so even though there really isnt any finish line when it comes to karma try to collect as many coins as you can today!
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song suggestion: Hollywood by RAC

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