Thursday, May 3, 2012

My First Run

Hello internet! My friend recently started her own blog and it inspired me to do something that I've been contemplating for a while now.  I run daily and it's becoming less and less about exercise and more about clearing my head.  At the risk of sounding conceited, there's a lot going on up there, but trust me it's not all ground-breaking (In all honesty I'd say it's more along the lines of 15% intelligent thought 85% eclectic ramblings).  For instance, when I went running today I found myself wondering why on earth anyone thought making a jumbo marshmallow was a good idea?  In theory sure it sounds awesome, but a marshmallow that's too big to fit in your mug and too big to fit between two graham crackers is hardly the Bill Gates of concepts!  As you can see my thoughts often take a turn for the random and useless, but sometimes I think I need to worry less about what I think.  Because of this novel concept I decided to start this blog with the intent of writing down what I grappled with on my run that day, big or small, and embracing my mind for the cramped and messy storage locker that it is.  What I hope to get from this blog is some semblence of clarity and to maybe give others an idea of how I've grown and will continue to do so if all goes according to plan.  I hope anyone reading this takes away a better understanding of who I am, or if you've never met me before then an insatiable need to meet this incredible person writing such verbose thoughts, or if you're struggling with similar concepts the knowledge that no, you're not the only one who questions the wisdom of jumbo marshmallows.  Or maybe you just stumbled onto this blog because you searched something on google, but you typed it in wrong and then google asked you if you really meant this instead but it was too late because my description had already sucked you in!  I actually have no idea if that's possible for people to view this regularly on google, technology and I don't get along very well... its not like it's a vital part of our society or anything.  Regardless of why you're here I'll do my best to keep things interesting and not bore you so much that you will literally do anything, even go running, just to get away from the computer.  I'll end with an anecdote about the first time I set out with the intention of running purely for exercise and not recreation.  I was running with my dad and one of the first things he told me was to always know where you're going and how to get back.  He also told me to run in the middle of the sidewalk instead of the edges so you don't twist your ankle which for a gangly and exceedingly clumsy teenager is probably the best advice one can give, unfortunately I can't say it's helped me much seeing as I somehow manage to trip over thin air... But the first piece of advice, the one about having some sort of direction, that one I've started to realize maybe isn't always the approach we should take.  I have no concrete direction for this blog, nor any idea how to get back to the person I am now once I've explored all the twisted paths my mind takes me, but this way I might just end up somewhere better-someone better, that or I'll get really lost and have to ask some kindly jogger if they know what street we're on and where I can find the nearest bathroom!  If anyone's reading this, then thanks for ruminating with me and have a RUN-believable day! (See what I did there, pretty nifty huh) 

Have some cute puppies running to inspire us all to get outside and enjoy summer and/or puppies!


  1. do you wear a watch when you run? because I'm quickly falling in love with my little watch, I don't even know why. I just LOVE IT.

    1. I actually don't since I'm so used to timing my runs for soccer I prefer to not know how long it takes me when I'm running for myself
