Wednesday, May 30, 2012


When I was a kid, running through a sprinkler was one of the most exciting and daring activities in the summer.  It was so exhilirating to try and time your jump perfectly with the arch of the water not to mention how great it felt when it was so hot outside.  Today I ran past a bunch of neighborhood kids playing in the sprinkler and I had my second bought of nostalgia for the day.  The first came when a little girl got strawberry frozen yogurt with sprinkles at work and it made me think about how simple things are when we're younger, I mean we eat frozen yogurt now instead of just good old-fashioned ice cream... what happened?  But anyways, these kids were having the time of their lives which made me want to run over and either a) join them or b) warn them that it doesn't last forever, both of which would have been incredibly creepy.  Instead I kept running, but the nagging thought of what else I miss from my childhood wouldn't leave me.  So I composed a list and decided to rekindle at least one of these activities. 
  • Hula Hoop and/or jump rope (though my coordination seems to have gotten worse with age so...)
  • buying ice cream from an ice cream truck
  • going to a waterpark
  • going to a farmers market (Wisconsin has the BEST farmer's market, shocking I know, and I'll be there soon enough!)
  • making a prank phone call (totally juvenile which is kind of the point)
  • going camping in your back yard (seeing as I have no back yard this may be difficult so someone with a back yard that is decently normal and would like to help me out, call me maybe!)
Basically I'm too old for some of these things and will never be too old for other's but I don't care because this summer is mostly about finding happiness in day to day things for me which has been surprisingly easy so far and children are typically pretty happy which means we must have been doing something right back then!  Either way everyone should make their own list and do something on it even if you feel utterly ridiculous! 
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: In keeping with today's theme I'm throwin' it back with Ignition by R. Kelly

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