Saturday, May 5, 2012


So this is going to be a relatively short post this evening, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make use of a metaphor that practically smacked me in the face.  On my run today I was almost run over by the garbage truck... almost literally crushed by waste!  And I couldn't help but think that the universe was trying to tell me something; if we're not careful our waste could overtake us.  Now sure I could take that in a more concrete sense such as how we waste our natural resources all the time and will be paying for that dearly in the future.  However, I see waste as something that comes in a lot of shapes and sizes.  I decided that there are really three things that I want to avoid wasting, the people in my life, moments in time, and talent.  I have been blessed with knowing a vast amount of incredible and influential people throughout my life so far and like a good wine (or so I'm told by my grandmother who would know) they only get better with age.  I have a highly unrealistic view on relationships and that is that once I've met someone who I feel adds something to my life I refuse to believe that I should ever let them go.  Now I know people grow apart and time takes its toll on friendships, but I truly believe that people can be worth the effort and I haven't been wrong yet!  In terms of moments in time I just think that while not every moment in our lives is life-altering they all lead us to those few moments that matter most.  Yes even those hours you spent watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey are moments we should appreciate for what they are in their simplicity.  As for talent, I mean both our own talent and the talents of others.  I'm a fairly confident person and I tend to lose myself in the notion that if I work hard enough and I talk loudly enough that people will have to listen to me and agree with me.  False, and thank whatever deity you pray to that other people are aware of the falsity of this concept because I can think of so many times where being the best leader I could be meant delegating to someone with more talent than I in a certain area.  Before this gets a little to after-school special for me I'll end it here, but if you agree with my mentality and read this blog and have a soul (such hard criteria to match I know) maybe you'll be inspired to reach out to someone you haven't talked to lately and do it now, don't waste another minute!
Have a RUN-believable day!
P.S. I'm pretty sure if all trash cans looked like this no one would ever litter again... just think about it city planners

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