Saturday, May 26, 2012


Have you ever had someone tell you "De-nile isn't just a river in Egypt" and you just wanted to punch them in the face... yeah that phrase has never sat very well with me.  I guess it's because you know that they know that you know what you're trying really hard to not know and you know that they know that you don't want to know it so they're just being an asshole.  That really convoluted sentence just means that they're not only an asshole, they're also a really good friend.  The things that shock us the most are the things that we know to be true and the things we defend ourselves from so fiercely are the ones that will change us in the greatest ways.  Personally I think those moments of revelation are extremely phony because it's not the revelation that's so shocking to us, it's the disruption of our carefully crafted delusion that provides that electric form of therapy.  We're really very good at convincing ourselves that something is true when in reality nothing could be further from it.  The universal truths about these delusions is that they always always fall apart at some point.  We have to face the music, so to speak, and adapt hopefully to what's real and not just jump straight back into the de-nile!  Denile certainly serves a purpose though, it offers a temporary escape from what our mind says we're just not ready to accept yet.  I think that's alright, everyone deals with things in their own time.  I've spent the past 19 years of my life being blissfully happy with a life I was no where near mature enough to accept was unfulfilled.  When you're six years old the only thing you care about is when the ice cream truck is going to make it's rounds and whether or not that flintstones push-pop will be sold out because if it is so help me I will lead a street-wide protest against that ice cream truck!  You don't think about things like making the most of every moment or how your teenage years are almost gone and you have very little to show for it.  When you're six your life is the best bubble of denial it can be, but we all grow up (Peter Pan is clearly false advertising for children, and incredibly politically incorrect I realized after watching it recently) and the bubble bursts.  The way I see it, with this new fangled thing I'm trying called optimism, when the bubble bursts it just means that there's an opportunity for the sun to make it's way in finally and we can all get a tan!  Now that I know more about myself and who I really want to be in the future I can work for towards it and if I ever try to take it easy on myself I have some incredible assholes, uh I mean friends, to set me straight! Also today on my run I saw at least five people sitting in someone's driveway trying to get this cat out from behind the wheel of a truck so the owner could pull out of their driveway and seeing as it's about 90 bajillion degrees here and that was the only shade I was secretly rooting for the cat!  But seriously, since when did that become a new joke... how many people does it take to move a cat... doesn't quite roll off the tongue.
Have a RUN-believable day!
Song Suggestion: Guns for Hands by Twenty One Pilots or really anything by them because I got to see them live the other day with some of the most inspiring and life-altering people I know who also happen to be a couple of my closest friends and they were out of this world!

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